Simple and Powerful Platform
for Your best Ideas

Link Your Idea, try it free!

How it Works

Save thousands to millions of bucks by using single tool
for different amazing and great useful admin
Easy to Use
Light and simple interface
build on powerful and
fast-growing engine
Collecting, calculating and represents information ,
languages in live mode. About geo, country,
platforms and more
Random Links
Use just one slashhtag to connect several
destination on it. It will randomizable
open your links by one slashtag

We Make Things Better

Save thousands to millions of bucks by using single tool
for different amazing and great useful admin
Known Companies
Statistic Reports
Secure Payments
When you care about your topic, you’ll write about it in a
more powerful, emotionally expressive way
Steven, CEO

Our Great Team

It’s no doubt that when a development takes longer to complete, additional costs to
integrate and test each extra feature creeps up and haunts most of us.
Igor Lisovoy
Development Lead

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